Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Study of the effect of pre-sowing electromagnetic impact on the development of primary root system of cotton seeds after different duration of storage. II. Mass of sprout and root
Minka Kolevaorcid, Kiril Sirakov
Abstract: The effects of pre-sowing electromagnetic treatments of seeds from different crops are the subject of intensive research by many authors such as alternative technologies for ecologically clean agriculture. The aim of this research was to study the effect of pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment on the accumulation of fresh mass of root and sprout of seeds, stored for one and two years before treatment, of five Bulgarian cotton varieties - Chirpan-539, Trakia, Helius, Natalia and Nelina. The seeds of each variety were treated in five electromagnetic fields, with different intensity and duration of exposure. It was found that the selected values of controllable factors had stimulating effect on the mass of sprout, root and total mass of sprout and root of treated seeds. The sprout mass increased by 8.9-13.8%, the root mass - by 6.1-11.3%. The sprout and root total mass increased by 7.8 - 12.7% and the best treatment options were 1 [U = (8…5) kV, τ = (15…35) s] and 4 [U= (6…3) kV, τ = (5… 25) s]. The two-year period of storage, as a separate factor, determined significantly lower mass of sprout by 8.5%, of root by 10.1% and total mass of sprout and root by 8.9%, compared to the one-year period of storage. Compared to the corresponding untreated control of each storage period, the electromagnetic impact had a stimulating effect in both storage periods: for the mass of sprout - by 11.4-16.8% in options 1 and 5.3-10.4% in options 1 and 4, respectively for one- and two-year storage of seeds; for the root mass - by 5.1-16.1% in options 1 and 4 and by 2.7-8.1% in option 4; for the total mass of sprout and root - by 10.8-16.5% in option 1 and 4.5-9.1% in option 4. Variants with significant higher values than the control variant - Chirpan-539 variety, untreated seeds stored for one year, were reported only for seeds stored for one year. Higher sprout mass was found for Chirpan-539 variety, in option 5 [U=(4…2)kV, τ =(5… 25)s], while higher root mass and sprout and root total mass were found for Nelina variety, in options 1 [U=(8…5)kV, τ =(15…35)s], 2 [U=(6…3)kV, τ =(15…35)s] and 3 [U=(8…5)kV, τ =(5…25)s]. Compared to the corresponding of each variety and storage period untreated control stimulating effect of pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment was observed for all varieties, in both storage periods, except Nelina variety, in this variety positive results were only in one-year storage of seeds. Helius variety reacted most strongly positively to the pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment for the mass of sprout and the total mass of sprout and root of the seeds stored for one year. The total mass of sprout and root increased the most in options 1, 2 and 4 - by 38.6-48.5% compared to the relevant control. Variety Nelina reacted most positively for the mass of root during the one-year storage of seeds, in options 1, 2 and 3.
Keywords: cotton seeds; duration of storage; electromagnetic treatment; root mass; sprout and root total mass; sprout mass
Citation: Koleva, M. & Sirakov, K. (2024). Study of the effect of pre-sowing electromagnetic impact on the development of primary root system of cotton seeds after different duration of storage. II. Mass of sprout and root. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(4), 717–727
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Date published: 2024-08-27
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