Utilization of mandacaru extract, polyvinyl acetate-based glue, and cassava gum as cementing agents for pelletizing creole maize seeds with rock dust
Luan D. F. de A. Melo
, João L. de A. Melo Junior, Larice B. F. Soares, Reinaldo de A. Paec, Jaqueline F. de O. Costa, Natália M. S. Crisóstomo, Adriana Guimarães Duarte
Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different adherent agents, specifically mandacaru extract, polyvinyl acetate-based glue, and cassava gum, on the pelleting process of creole maize seeds with rock powder. Pelleting serves as a valuable method to enhance the seeds' worth and contribute to an increased market value. Creole seeds, commonly produced in family farming, possess inherent resistance and wide genetic variability, which have been inherited from their ancestors. The research was conducted at the Plant Propagation Laboratory, affiliated with the Campus of Engineering and Agricultural Sciences at the Federal University of Alagoas. Rock dust (MB-4) was used as the coating material for the seeds. The following parameters were evaluated: water content, weight of one thousand seeds, initial germination count, germination rate, germination speed index, average germination time, germination uncertainty, root and shoot length, and dry mass. Among the adherent agents tested, cassava gum exhibited the highest efficiency for pelletizing maize seeds with rock dust.
Keywords: genetic variability; germination; vigor
Citation: Melo, L. D. F. de A., Melo Junior, J. L. de A., Soares, L. B. F. S., Paes, R. de A., Costa, J. F. de O., Crisóstomo, N. M. S. & Duarte, A. G. (2024). Utilization of mandacaru extract, polyvinyl acetate-based glue, and cassava gum as cementing agents for pelletizing creole maize seeds with rock dust. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(3), 535–538
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| Date published: 2024-06-25
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