Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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The effect of three different feeding schemes on production parameters of European catfish (Silurus glanis L.) larvae reared in flow-through production system
V. Krastevaorcid
Abstract: This paper presents the results of the rearing of European catfish (Silurus glanis l.) larvae in a flow-through production system using three feeding schemes - Variant A was control and consisted of dry pellet food; Variant B ‒ dry pellet food and supplement of frozen Chironomus, Variant C ‒ dry pellet food and supplement of frozen Artemia. Each of the experimental variants was applied in 2 tanks with the same stocking density ‒ 15 ex/l-1 at 40 l maintained volume.
The growth performance of the larvae in the three experimental variants was compared in terms of final biomass (FB), individual weight gain (IWG), total weight gain (TWG), specific growth rate (SGR), daily growth rate (DGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and survival rate (SR). The highest final biomass was reported in Variant B with nutritional supplement of Chironomus, with significant difference when compared to Variant A and Variant C (P≤0.05). The daily growth rate was the highest in Variant B and the lowest in Variant C (P≤0.05). The specific growth rate confirmed the daily rate values and was again the highest in Variant B and lowest in Variant C (P≤0.01). The highest survival rate was achieved in Variant B, with a difference of 15.93% with Variant C (P≤0.05).
Based on the results of the fish production parameters it can be concluded that the most effective nutritional option, for rearing S. glanis larvae, was Variant B with supplement of frozen Chironomus.
Keywords: Artemia; Chironomus; European catfish; larvae; rearing; Silurus glanis
Citation: Krasteva, V. (2024). The effect of three different feeding schemes on production parameters of European catfish (Silurus glanis L.) larvae reared in flow-through production system. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(3), 527–534
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Date published: 2024-06-25
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