Productive capacities and adaptability of meadow legume crops under mountain conditions
Katerina Churkova

, Boryana Churkova

Abstract: During the period 2020-2022, the following types of meadow legume crops were tested on light gray pseudopodzolic soil on the territory of the experimental field of Research Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture-Troyan: Lotus corniculatus L., Trifolium hibridum L., Medicago sativa L., Trifolium pretense L., Trifolium repens L. The matter yield, the biodiversity of the species in the grass stand and the impact of the factors, such as conditions of the year and the type of grass stands were studied to determine the acclimatization of meadow legume crops under mountain conditions. It was established that the tested legume forage species realized a high yield of dry matter under mountain conditions, which varied from 836.68 to 971.13 kg/da, which determined their good adaptability for cultivation under the conditions of light gray pseudopodzolic soils. The low values of their variation coefficients by year and average yield of 909.35 kg/da of all species show that they are suitable for inclusion in the structure of farms in mountain conditions. Alfalfa proved to be the most rational for cultivation, followed by red clover.
The botanical composition of the grass stands depends on the rate of growth and development of the herbaceous species. The high productivity of alfalfa corresponds to its high presence in the grass stand, which also indicates its high productivity.
Natural factors determine the productivity of the grass stands of the various legume species, and subsequently the economic efficiency in the production of fodder.
Keywords: botanical composition; legume grasses; productivity; two-factor analysis of variance
Citation: Churkova, K. & Churkova, B. (2024). Productive capacities and adaptability of meadow legume crops under mountain conditions. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(3), 503–508
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| Date published: 2024-06-25
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