Specialized trait collections for the different selection directions in cotton. I. Specialized trait collections for improvement of economically valuable traits
Neli Valkova, Valentina Dimitrova, Minka Koleva

, Spasimira Nedyalkova
Abstract: On the basis of established high indicators for the most economically valuable traits, specialized trait collections have been created as starting material for the various selection directions in cotton: specialized collection for high productivity; specialized collection for fiber length improvement and other quality indicators; specialized collection for higher lint percentage. Organization of the relevant collections was in accordance with the requirements of selection process for a complex evaluation as biological and economic qualities, adaptability to the specific conditions and others. With these, commercial geneplasm will be preserved, the varietal structure and the hereditary basis of Bulgarian selection will be enriched and expanded. Created specialized trait collections will facilitate the use of available genetic resources in the various directions of cotton breeding and are the basis for creating new cotton varieties with higher productivity and improved fiber quality.
Keywords: collections; cotton; fiber length; lint percentage; productivity; starting material
Citation: Valkova, N., Dimitrova, V., Koleva, M. & Nedyalkova, S. (2024). Specialized trait collections for the different selection directions in cotton. I. Specialized trait collections for improvement of economically valuable traits. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(3), 491–502
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| Date published: 2024-06-25
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