Morphological, agronomic characteristics, and flavonoid content of Echinacea purpurea at various gamma ray doses
Wafa’ Nur Hanifah, Ahmad Yunus

, Nandariyah, Yuli Widiyastuti
Abstract: Purple coneflower is an introduced herbal plant that has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic benefits. The pharmaceutical industry is currently starting to develop the use of herbal plants as medicinal raw materials, including this plants. Indonesia has started cultivating purple coneflower but it is only cultivated in the highlands which have low temperatures. The one method of plant breeders to expand plant adaptation in high temperature environments without reducing the content of secondary metabolites is by using gamma ray irradiation. This study aims to determine the effect of gamma ray irradiation on the diversity of growth, yield and flavonoid content of purple coneflower. Purple coneflower was irradiated with doses of 0 Gy (control), 5 Gy, 15 Gy, and 25 Gy. The research design used simple design experiment in plots without repetition. The results show that the diversity in plant height, number of leaves and flowers, and biomass weight of the mutant plants is higher than the control. The mutant plants in dosage 15 Gy are the highest in diversity. The flavonoid content of mutant plants is lower than the control, except in dosage 25 Gy.
Keywords: diversity; medicinal plant; mutation; purple coneflower; secondary metabolites
Citation: Hanifah, W. H., Yunus, A., Nandariyah & Yuli Widiyastuti, Y. (2024). Morphological, agronomic characteristics, and flavonoid content of Echinacea purpurea at various gamma ray doses. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(3), 451–457
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| Date published: 2024-06-25
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