Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Faba bean and cereal crop diversification and aphid (Aphis fabae Scop.) management in the Meknes region, Morocco
Abdellatif Boutagayoutorcid, Saadia Belmalha, Atman Adiba, Kamal El Oihabi, Rachid Elbaghazaoui, Wijdane Rhioui, Laila Nassiri, El Houssine Bouiamrine
Abstract: Black bean aphids are considered a serious pest that can reduce faba bean yield by more than 50%, especially in organic farms. In response to the huge losses caused by aphids, this study aimed to investigate the effect of faba bean-oat and/or wheat intercropping modalities on the incidences and severity of black bean aphids (Aphis fabae Scop.). The experiments were conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the number of aphids per plant among the sole faba bean crop and the faba bean cereal intercropping systems. The faba bean-oat intercropping at (1:4) ratio significantly reduced the number of aphids per plant, as well as the number of infested plants, with a reduction percentage of 84.44% and 42.42% respectively. However, intercropping faba bean with the two species of cereals at (1:1) ratio did not improve aphid control. Regarding faba bean yield, the intercropping with oat at (1:2) ratio provided the best results and improved the yield crop from 3.76 Q/ha (in sole faba bean) to 8.12 Q/ha (in intercropping system). It was concluded that black bean aphid infestation could be minimized by intercropping practices such as faba bean cereal intercropping. However, the choice of crop species and intercropping modalities is highly important, not only to ensure suitable faba bean productivity but also for sustainable pest management.
Keywords: Black bean aphids; Cereals; Faba bean; Intercropping; Sustainable pest management
Citation: Boutagayout, A., Belmalha, S., Adiba, A., El Oihabi, K., Elbaghazaoui, R., Rhioui, W., Nassiri, L. & Bouiamrine, E. H. (2024). Faba bean and cereal crop diversification and aphid (Aphis fabae Scop.) management in the Meknes region, Morocco. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(3), 423–430
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Date published: 2024-06-25
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