Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Mineral content of wheat bread enriched with chestnut and rosehip flour
Denka Zlatevaorcid, Dana Stefanovaorcid, Rosen Chochkovorcid, Petya Ivanovaorcid
Abstract: Additives that are rich in biologically active substances are suitable for wheat bread supplementation, including raw materials that are not traditional for breadmaking (such as chestnut flour and rosehip flour). The aim of the present study is to examine the mineral content of wheat bread enriched with chestnut flour and rosehip flour (in the amount of 5% and 10%). It was found that the inclusion of these additives in the bread recipe increased the content of all the investigated elements (except sodium). The content of mineral elements was determined using the ICP-AES method. Among the macroelements, the most significant increase in content was that of calcium when 10% rosehip flour was added to the recipe – 296 mg/kg (in the control sample – 108 mg/kg). Among microelements, the iron content had significant increase upon addition of 10% rosehip flour – 14.7 mg/kg. This amount was almost 11 times higher than that measured in the control sample (1.34 mg/kg). The manganese content also increased notably – it was 5.83 mg/kg in the sample with 10% chestnut flour, which is nearly 80% more than in the control sample.
Keywords: chestnut flour; enriched bread; mineral content; rosehip flour; wheat bread
Citation: Zlateva, D., Stefanova, D., Chochkov, R. & Ivanova, P. (2024). Mineral content of wheat bread enriched with chestnut and rosehip flour. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(2), 333–340
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Date published: 2024-04-26
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