Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Physiological and agronomical traits evaluation of soybean accessions, part of the National collection at IPGR Sadovo
Sofia Petrovaorcid, Radoslav Chipilski
Abstract: Glycine max [L.] Merr. is one of the most important protein crops and one of the five grains (rice, wheat, barley, soybean and millet) essential for human nutrition. The main aim of this study was to assess some physiological and agronomical traits of Glycine max accessions, maintained at Sadovo Genebank and to select the best performing genotypes appropriate for soybean breeding programs. Twelve soybean genotypes with different origins were field grown in randomized complete block design in three replications. The assessment of agro- morphological traits was performed according to the International Descriptor for Glycine max. The physiological traits as photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration rate (E), sub-stomatal cavity CO2 concentration (Ci), stomatal conductions of water vapour (gs) and instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEi) were evaluated using a portable intelligent photosynthesis system LCpro T. All obtained results were subjected to Duncan analysis. Three accessions (BOBM 0013, BGR3091 andBGR 3100) were selected with the highest leaf net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance. The same genotypes including BGR3140 distinguished with better leaf instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEi). Under the dry field condition of the experiment, these accessions demonstrated a relative high drought tolerance. Regarding the grain yield per plant, pods per plant, grains per pod and harvest index three accessions were selected as the most promising ones (BGR43585, BGR3100 and BGR40900). These three genotypes were included in early and medium early maturity groups. The early ripening accession BGR3100 is recommended in soybean breeding program as donor parent of drought tolerance and good yield traits. The use of these early and medium early maturity accessions could contribute to increasing soybean productivity and guaranteeing a good income for farmers.
Keywords: drought tolerance; Glycine max; grain yield per plant
Citation: Petrova, S. & Chipilski, R. (2024). Physiological and agronomical traits evaluation of soybean accessions, part of the National collection at IPGR – Sadovo. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(2), 317–322
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Date published: 2024-04-26
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