Direct reseeding of degraded grass stands with various fodder species and genotypes of perennial legumes
Galina Naydenova

, Magdalena Petkova

Abstract: During the period 2018-2021 in the ecological conditions of the Central Northern Bulgaria, a comparative test was conducted in terms of share and stability in the grass stand of different types and genotypes of perennial self-sown legumes, directly reseeded on a degraded pasture grass stand. The following variants were studied: Trifolium pratense L. Nika 11(2n) var. 1 , Astur(2n) – var. 2 and a selection population obtained from the subspecies crossings T. pratense ssp. pratense and T. pratense ssp. nivale – var. 3; Onobrychis viciifolia Scop., Vishnovski – var. 4 and local population – var. 5; Lotus corniculatus L., Targovishte 1 – var. 6 and local pasture ecotype – var. 7; Anthyllis vulneraria L., Pamir cultivar – var. 8. According to the results, the type and genotype of the reseeded grasses cause significant differentiation regarding the share of the legume component in the degraded grass stand. The best results were obtained in reseeding with a selection population of red clover (Trifolium pratense) obtained from the subspecies crossings T. pratense ssp. pratense X T. pratense ssp. nivale, as well as with sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) Vishnovski cultivar. The study of the mixed reseeding of the two species and genotypes under the conditions of Central Northern Bulgaria is well founded. The species of bird's-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and kidney vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria), under conditions of early spring direct reseeding, fail to establish themselves in the grass stand, regardless of the adaptive potential of the used genotypes – cultivars and populations. Other methods of successful reseeding should be evaluated and selected.
Keywords: Anthyllis vulneraria; direct reseeding; legumes; Lotus corniculatus; Onobrychis viciifolia; Trifolium pratense
Citation: Naydenova, G. & Petkova, M. (2024). Direct reseeding of degraded grass stands with various fodder species and genotypes of perennial legumes. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(2), 310–316
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| Date published: 2024-04-26
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