Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Mapping of existing incentives for soil health business models in EU methodological approach
Dimitre Nikolovorcid, Ivan Boevskyorcid, Martin Banovorcid, Ekatherina Tzvetanovaorcid, Krasimir Kostenarovorcid
Abstract: Incentives influence ecosystem services through motivating changes in land use and management. This chain of influence is complex because incentives can cause multiple intended and unintended changes in land use and management, each potentially having co-benefits and trade-offs across multiple ecosystem services. The incentives that can help the business model to become sustainable from the point of view of the soil health have been identified and assessed in the frame of NOVASOIL project . The research aims to explore the incentives that drive farmers to act towards improving soil health. These factors (incentives) are then applied to the business model canvas (BMC). By consolidating these incentives into a map, a comprehensive overview is created to understand how they contribute to the current state of the business model and the improvement of soil health. Through this process, the focus is to address the question of how soil health business models can effectively contribute to the maintenance of sustainable and competitive agriculture. By reviewing and assessing the key incentives for soil health, we produce a provisional set of critical incentives, mapped onto the BMC.
Keywords: BMC; farmers; incentives for ecosystem services; mapping; soil health
Citation: Nikolov, D., Boevsky, I., Banov, M., Tzvetanova, E. & Kostenarov, K. (2024). Mapping of existing incentives for soil health business models in EU methodological approach. Bulg. J. Agri. Sci., 30(2), 270–280
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Date published: 2024-04-26
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