Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Skyscraper with vertical clusters consisting of modules that can be adapted for agricultural needs and other specific activities (education, medical care (COVID-19) and sports
Yanko Aleksandrov
Abstract: Specific points within the scope of the article's topic are covered, including: cluster definition, clusters in urban planning, vertical clusters, cluster modules, construction schemes and construction systems using the cluster modules. Completed vertical clusters are indicated as the subject of the article.
Innovations are given and a rationale is made for building vertical clusters in skyscrapers. Vertical clusters and cluster initiatives are examined. The vertical clusters in urban planning are described. Cluster boundaries are indicated.
The multifunctionality of signs - vertical clusters revealed by the similarity and self-similarity of the forms, as well as by the proportions of the building material - is considered.
A patented innovative solution with inventive step is reviewed (Patent number BG 66716 - "Systems for individual or combined use of rainwater and hot wastewater on each floor of a skyscraper"). "Floating" and "flying" skyscrapers as future forms of urban cluster development in the environment are examined. "Floating" and "flying" cluster forms are described as a possible answer to the future economic needs of society.
Mixed vertical clusters are analyzed according to the different functions of their floors meeting the needs of economic development programs. Various possibilities for functional independence of vertical clusters have been revealed (e.g. education, medical care and sports).
Medical clusters are considered within the scope of vertical clusters which can be used for the protection of the population in extreme situations (e.g. during COVID-19) as well as for offering general and specialized medical care.
The recommended cluster module sizes for use for agricultural needs and other purposes are given in tabular form. A special place is dedicated to the tensegrity structures as an element of clusters as well as the possible future trends for development of such structures.
Keywords: agricultural needs; modules; skyscraper; specific activities; vertical clusters
Citation: Aleksandrov, Ya. (2024). Skyscraper with vertical clusters consisting of modules that can be adapted for agricultural needs and other specific activities (education, medical care (COVID-19) and sports. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(1), 181–190.
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Date published: 2024-02-26
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