Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Key agroforestry systems in temperate climate and standardization: evidence from Bulgaria case
Ivan Bozhikinorcid, Elka Vasilevaorcid
Abstract: The standardization of agroforestry systems, processes and products can support and strengthen their transformational potential for implementing sustainable agriculture. However, scientific research in this area is quite limited. Therefore, our study aims to identify the key agroforestry systems in the temperate climate of Bulgaria and to reveal the leading Voluntary Sustainable Standards and Systems (VSSS) in support of their better development. To achieve the set research aim, we use a “case study” approach combined with a review of the Voluntary Sustainable Standards and Systems in Europe. Moreover, the 187 private and public Sustainability Standards and Systems covered by the ITC Standards Map for Europe to assess the degree of association between VSSS and the above types of agroforestry systems have been analyzed. The four identified VSSS groups, although directed at agricultural areas such as Agriculture, Livestock and Forestry, do not prohibit explicitly the use of agroforestry practices. Furthermore, the connection between the discovered VSSS and the studied agroforestry systems in Bulgaria is analyzed. The study has shown scarcity of standards that view agroforestry as an overall sustainable agricultural system.
Keywords: agroforestry; agroforestry standards; Bulgaria; standardization
Citation: Bozhikin, I. & Vasileva, E. (2024). Key agroforestry systems in temperate climate and standardization: evidence from Bulgaria case. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(1), 170–180.
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Date published: 2024-02-26
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