Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Grain yield and yield-related traits of hulled and hull-less spring barley accessions
Nikolay Dyulgerovorcid, Boryana Dyulgerovaorcid
Abstract: The aim of the study was to evaluate the grain yield and yield-related traits of 20 hulled and 20 hull-less spring barley accessions under conditions of South-eastern Bulgaria. Field experiments were carried out from 2017 to 2019 in the experimental field of the Institute of Agriculture - Karnobat. The effects of years and year by genotype interactions on grain yield and studied yield-related traits were considerably higher in hull-less accessions compared to hulled accessions. Highest broad-sense heritability was found for spike length, 1000-grain weight and number of spikelets per spike in both barley types. Hull-less accessions showed a lower average number of spikes per plant, number of grains per spike, weight of grains per spike, 1000-grain weight and grain yield. The number of grains per spike had a maximum direct effect on grain yield, followed by the number of spikes per plant and weight of grains per spike in hulled accessions. While in hull-less genotypes, the number of spikes per plant had the highest direct effect on grain yield, followed by the number of grains per spike and spike length. Therefore, direct selection for these traits would be an effective breeding strategy for increasing the grain yield of spring barley.
Keywords: correlations; grain yield; hull-less barley; hulled barley; path analysis; yield-related traits
Citation: Dyulgerova, B. & Dyulgerov, N. (2024). Grain yield and yield-related traits of hulled and hull-less spring barley accessions. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(1), 88–95.
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Date published: 2024-02-26
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