Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Feeding strategies to reduce methane emissions: A review
Krum Nedelkovorcid, Teodora Angelova, Jivko Krastanov, Milena Mihaylova
Abstract: This review provides information on the influence of the ration composition, botanical composition of the pasture grass, and the type and quality of the silages on the release of methane emissions in livestock farming. Modeling rumen fermentation is the most important method to optimize feed utilization, ensure maximum microbial protein synthesis, increase productivity, and limit released methane emissions as a result of the digestion processes. There is a limited number of studies on the effect of feeding systems and feeding regimes, as well as the extent of methane emissions released from the digestion of sheep, goats, buffalo, and other ruminants. Feeding strategies need to be revised and developed, which should minimize ruminant energy loss and lead to increased productivity by reducing the number or activity of methanogens. Although methane production can be reduced by current strategies, due to the variety of adaptive mechanisms, they may only be effective temporarily. Therefore, further research is needed to study the effect of rations and rumen fermentation inhibitors with particular attention to methane production and changes in methanogenic microorganisms.
Keywords: feeding strategies; methane; reduction
Citation: Nedelkov, K., Angelova, T., Krastanov, J. & Mihaylova, M. (2024). Feeding strategies to reduce methane emissions: A review. Bulg. J. Agri. Sci., 30(1), 28–36.
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Date published: 2024-02-26
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