Research on the causes of the food waste phenomenon in the European Union
Daniel Nijloveanu, Victor Tița, Nicolae Bold, Irina-Adriana Chiurciu, Cosmina Smedescu
Abstract: The food waste is one of the consumer economic behaviors that have a development with a great difficulty in explanation. As an economic phenomenon, it has several effects with a huge impact related to resources and optimization within the economic systems. In this paper, we propose to develop a research study which aims to identify a series of causes to food waste and to determine the quantitative impact of these causes on the phenomenon. The study is made based on the statistical data observed in a certain period and the previous research studies presented in the literature. The final part of the research is based on the determination of the influence of the identified causes on this specific consumer behavior using specific statistical methods, such as correlation.
Keywords: Food behavior; Food policy; food waste; household
Citation: Nijloveanu, D., Tița, V., Bold, N., Chiurciu, I. A. & Smedescu, C. (2023). Research on the causes of the food waste phenomenon in the European Union. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 29 (Supplement 1), 132–139.
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| Date published: 2023-12-18
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