Romanias position in the sheep and goat meat trade
Irina-Adriana Chiurciu, Ion Certan, Daniel Nijloveanu, Aurelia Ioana Chereji, Dan Marius Voicilaș
Abstract: Romania is a major sheep and goat breeding country in Eastern Europe and has trading partners for live animals and sheep and goat meat trade, both inside and outside the EU (e.g., in the Balkans, Middle East and Asia). The paper presents the quantity and value of the world’s largest live sheep and goat and their meat importers and exporters for the period 2018–2022. At the same time, Romania’s main partners and its position on the sheep and goat meat market are highlighted. The methodology used included a statistical analysis of trade quantities and values based on the International Trade Center data series. The results of the study show that Romania developed well in terms of value exports of live sheep and goats, becoming number one in the world during the study period. Romania also ranked 27th in the category of fresh, chilled or frozen sheep or goat meat exports by value.
Keywords: exports; imports; Romania; sheep and goats; trade
Citation: Chiurciu, I.-A., Certan, I., Nijloveanu, D., Chereji, A. I. & Voicilaș, D. M. (2023). Romania’s position in the sheep and goat meat trade. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 29 (Supplement 1), 125–131.
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| Date published: 2023-12-18
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