Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Large crop farms and the contribution of agricultural products to their turnover achievement
Paula Stoicea, Ion Certan, Elena Soare, Andreea Firatoiu, Iuliana Ignat Ramona, Radu Madalin
Abstract: The main economic objective of farms is to maximize turnover, being one of the main ways to increase profitability. The paper presents the implications of the agricultural products produced and utilized by a large crop farm on the turnover in the period 2019–2021, establishing at the same time, which of these crops are indicated to be included in the annual crop plan. The research method used is the Pareto method, which is an analysis focused on the study of a past period, which allows highlighting, according to a determined criterion, the most representative individuals from a population. The results showed that in each year of the period included in the study, the crops that contributed significantly to the turnover were: in 2019, winter winter wheat, followed by maize and rapeseed, in 2020, maize and rapeseed, and in 2021, maize and soybean.
Keywords: crop farms; maize; rapeseed; soybean; turnover; winter winter wheat
Citation: Stoicea, P., Certan, I., Elena, S. Firatoiu, A., Ramona, I. I. & Madalin, R. (2023). Large crop farms and the contribution of agricultural products to their turnover achievement. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 29 (Supplement 1), 113–118.
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Date published: 2023-12-18
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