The trends, role and importance of extension services for the development of land relations in Bulgaria
Teodora Stoeva, Violeta Dirimanova, Minko Georgiev
Abstract: The land reform has been a key element of the agricultural transformation during the long-term transition in Bulgaria, which aims to create favorable conditions for the establishment of market economy by decentralizing the process and restoring the right of ownership to all owners and their heirs. Ever since the crucial 1989, the agricultural sector has experienced some serious changes, the most important of them being the implementation of the land reform and restitution of land in its real borders, and it has also faced some serious issues, such as destruction of the old production structures, privatization, as well as the lack of purposeful government policy or support for Bulgarian agriculture. The concept of agricultural extension services is to support the development of human resources, as well as to provide a good source of information necessary to solve the current issues that farmers in rural areas are facing today. The role of consultancy, which consists in creating an environment that favours the development of agriculture and rural areas, including incentives to support agricultural production, political stability and the system for land resource use, will guarantee the producer benefits that derive from the improvements made to their agricultural practice.
Keywords: consultancy; land reform; land relations
Citation: Stoeva, T., Dirimanova, D. & Georgiev, M. (2023). The trends, role and importance of extension services for the development of land relations in Bulgaria. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 29 (Supplement 1), 97–100.
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| Date published: 2023-12-18
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