Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Agricultural land price through the focus of NSI, Eurostat, BAALO data
Mihaela Mihailovaorcid, Stefan Asenov
Abstract: Land prices are integral for a variety of stakeholders, ranging from urban planners to real estate investors. Land prices play a pivotal role in economic theory, influencing a myriad of decisions from urban planning to investment strategies. The tree datasets
we are focusing on are from separate sources present information on a land prices in Bulgaria, it becomes essential to determine their consistency. Linear regression serves as a powerful tool to achieve this and a second method of MANOVA is applied to understand the tree datasets. The aim of this study is to prove the reliability of the information on the agricultural resource.
Keywords: land price; linear regression; MANOVA
Citation: Mihailova, M. & Asenov, S. (2023). Agricultural land price through the focus of NSI, Eurostat, BAALO data. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 29 (Supplement 1), 39–48.
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Date published: 2023-12-20
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