Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Evaluation of grain yield and quality traits and identification of seed storage protein alleles in durum wheat genotypes
Sonya Donevа, Krasimira Tanevа, Rangel Dragov, Violeta Bozhanova
Abstract: The aim of modern selection is the creation of high-yielding varieties with improved grain quality. The investigation included collection of 8 durum wheat genotypes: Mirela, Heliks, Saya, MVPennedur, Мarco Aurelio, Wintergold, D-8243, DF-009114002 and Agridur. Cultivars Heliks and Saya and line D-8243, were the highest yielding among all studied genotypes; averaged for three years, their yield varied from 530.8 kg/da (breeding line D-8243) to 644.1 kg/da (cultivar Heliks). According to the trait gluten strength, the highest yielding genotypes had the lowest SDS-sedimentation volume, which varied from 19.7 сm3 in cultivar Heliks to 21 сm3 in line D-8243, and respectively had the lowest SDS values. All other investigated genotypes were characterized by statistically significant higher values of the SDS-sedimentation volume, the variation being from 42.8 сm3 in cultivar Wintergold to 73.5 сm3 in line DF-009114002. Using the method of electrophoresis, the allele composition of the γ-gliadins, the high molecular (HMW-GS) and low molecular (LMW-GS) glutenins was studied. Six alleles of HMW were identified, which were coded for by loci Glu-A1 and Glu-B1. In the LMW zone, eight alleles were expressed (loci Glu-A3 and Glu-B3). The accessions having gliadin subunits γ-42 (Heliks, Saya and D-8243) and γ-45 (Mirela, MVPennedur, Marco Aurelio, Wintergold and DF-009114002) in locus Gli-B1 were determined. Depending on the respective allele forms in loci GliB1/GluB3, the investigated genotypes were divided into two main types (LMW-1 and LMW-2), which determined the quality of the ground semolina. The quality scores and the genetic variability were calculated for the separate loci. Based on the obtained results, varieties Heliks, Saya by high-yield and Marco Aurelio, Mirela by high quality were selected as parental components for crosses.
Keywords: grain yield; HMW-GS; LMW-GS; SDS-PAGE; Triticum durum; γ-gliadin; А-PAGE
Citation: Doneva, S., Taneva, K., Dragov. R. & Bozhanova, V. (2023). Evaluation of grain yield and quality traits and identification of seed storage protein alleles in durum wheat genotypes. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 29(6), 1170–1180.
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Date published: 2023-12-15
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