Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Survey of geological materials for the purpose of reclamation
Martin Banov
Abstract: Geological and soil materials from a depot for the storage of humus and soil materials on the territory of an airport were studied. Geological and soil materials were collected during the construction of construction sites on the territory of the city of Sofia, and those, deposited at the heap for solid waste – the village of Yana. As a result of the conducted field studies and obtained analytical results, it was established that the studied soil and geological materials are characterized by the absence of toxic contents of heavy metals and radio-nuclides. It has been proven that the materials are suitable for carrying out technical and biological regeneration. It is recommended to improve the water-physical and bio-reductive qualities of the surface layer by applying mineral, organic fertilizers or suitable substrates.
Keywords: biological regeneration; disturbed land; geological material; land reclamation; surface mining
Citation: Banov, M. (2023). Survey of geological materials for the purpose of reclamation. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 29(6), 1011–1014.
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Date published: 2023-12-20
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