Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Screening of Inverdale (FecXI), Hanna (FecXH), Belclare (FecXB), Galway (FecXG) and Boorola (FecB) mutations in Karayaka sheep breed
Koray Kirikci, Levent Mercan, Mehmet Akif Cam
Abstract: The general twinning rate of the Karayaka breed, which stands out with its meat quality, ranges from 0.10 to 0.20. However, it may be encountered in the flocks with higher twinning rates. The aim of this study was to investigate five different mutations in the BMPR1B (FecB) and BMP15 (FecXH, FecXI, FecXG, and FecXB) genes. The mutations were screened directly in 100 ewes of the Karayaka breed raised in the Black Sea region of Türkiye using the restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique. The study results showed that all the ewes examined had wild-type alleles or carried no mutations. In conclusion, the monomorphic structure of the BMPR1B and BMP15 genes concerning the loci studied suggests that these genes cannot be used as candidate genes for increasing twin births in the Karayaka breed. The findings in this study are the first for the Karayaka breed, and there is a need for comprehensive studies based on phenotypic data with more samples and other candidate genes.
Keywords: BMP15; BMPR1B; Karayaka; multiple births; PCR-RFLP; polymorphism
Date published: 2023-10-20
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