Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Macronutrient content and export with biomass and lysimetric water from a field experiment with barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grown as after-effect
Lyuba Nenova, Tsetska Simeonova, Maya Benkova, Irena Atanassova
Abstract: The influence of mineral fertilization on the yield, content and export of macronutrients with the biomass and lysimetric waters in the cultivation of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), grown as after-effect was studied. The experiment was conducted on Fluvisos (WRBSR, 2006) in Tzalapitza experimental field near Plovdiv with tomatoes as previous crop, fertilized with N120P80K140; N240P120K180 and N360P160K220. The norms of fertilization of the previous crop had significant influence on the agrochemical characteristics of the studied soil and the productivity parameters of barley crop. The yield formed in the variants N240P120K180 and N360P160K220 was 4247.6 and 4360.7 kg.ha-1, respectively, and it was twice as high as in the control. Significant differences in the export of macronutrients with barley biomass depending on the fertilization of the predecessor were established. It was found that calcium, magnesium, nitrates and sulphates contents in lysimetric waters were sensitive to the anthropogenic impacts and their contents increased with the increasing of the fertilization rates of the predecessor, while pH values and the bicarbonates contents decreased.
Keywords: barley; lysimetric waters; uptake of macroelements; yield
Date published: 2023-10-20
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