Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Assessment of the impacts of the meteorological drought on the Livestock Sector in the Province of Taza, Morocco
Mohamed Belmahi, Mohamed Hanchane, Bouchta El Khazzan, M’hamed El Mouloudi, Anass Khayati, Ridouane Kessabi, Jaafar El Kassioui
Abstract: Drought is having a detrimental impact on crops and livestock around the world, but less attention has been paid to outdoor livestock, particularly in North African countries. More specifically, this study aims to assess meteorological drought according to the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and measure its impact on livestock productivity in the province of Taza (Morocco). After assessing meteorological drought, the study takes into account three opposite climatic periods for establishing the link between meteorological drought and fodder and straw bale prices on the one hand and, on the other hand, the level of reproduction of the livestock based on a field survey. The results showed that the province of Taza has known six drought periods that are characterized by mild to extreme severity between 1931 and 2019. In addition, straw bale prices, fodder prices and mortality increased. In contrast, reduced fecundity, size and prices of livestock in reaction to the meteorological drought. This situation prompted herders to sell their livestock in order to reduce their expenses, leading to a collapse in livestock prices on local markets.
Keywords: livestock; meteorological drought; Standardized Precipitation Index; Taza
Date published: 2023-10-20
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