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Weight development and growth intensity of lambs from the Middle Rhodopean and Karakachan breeds
Pavel Todorov, Tsonka Odzhakova, Genoveva Staykova
Abstract: Subject of the study were 130 ewes at second lactation from the Middle Rhodopean and Karakachan breeds, with their offspring reared in the Middle Rhodopean region. The aim of the present study was to investigate weight development and
growth intensity of lambs from both breeds by periods from birth to weaning. The research was conducted in two farms with Karakachan sheep and Middle Rhodopean sheep in 2020. The weight development of lambs at birth, at 10, at 30 and at 70 days and the achieved growth for the respective periods was monitored. It was found that the average live birth weight of female lambs from the Karakachan breed was 2.801 kg, and that of males was 3.009 kg. The highest average live weight of 3.834 kg was found in male lambs from the Karakachan breed, reared at the farm of the Research Centre of Stockbreeding and Agriculture. The average live weight at birth of female lambs from the Middle Rhodopean breed was 3.739 kg, and of males – 3.968 kg. The highest average live weight of 4.266 kg was found in male lambs from the Middle Rhodopean breed in the farm in Borino village. Male and female lambs from the Middle Rhodopean breed were born with a significantly higher live weight, compared to lambs from the Karakachan breed. Male lambs from the Karakachan breed in the period up to 30 days had the greatest average daily gain – 0.246 kg. The highest average daily gain (0.339 kg) was achieved by female lambs from the Middle Rhodopean breed in the period up to 30 days.
Keywords: average daily gain; growth intensi; Karakachan sheep breed; live weight; Middle Rhodopean sheep breed
Date published: 2023-06-28
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