Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Financial competitiveness of vetiver crop as compared to traditional crops an Indian perspective
Parul Jain, Suhasini Verma
Abstract: Background: Despite sixty percent of the Indian population working in the agriculture sector, its contribution to GDP is around 18% only, which is very less considering the potential India have due to the vast trench of land, and diverse and favourable climatic conditions. In this context, our study aims to analyse how replacing traditional crops with vetiver crop, which is an aromatic draught resistance crop, easy to store, manage, and transport and can be grown even on the most vulnerable lands, to drought and irrigation, can increase the income and livelihood of the farmers.
Method: The study focuses on income differentials after adopting vetiver crops over traditional crops, based on cost-benefit analysis. The study is based on secondary data, collected from reports and websites of related institutions.
Results: The study tries to make an original contribution by assessing the benefits of cultivating vetiver crops over traditional crops. The results may help farmers and policymakers to adopt and promote the cultivation of vetiver, to increase the income of farmers and contribution of agriculture to GDP.
Keywords: agriculture; aromatic crop; medicinal crop; traditional crops; vetiver crop
Date published: 2023-06-28
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