Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Study on the chemical composition of alfalfa varieties attacked by Uromyces striatus Schroter
Iliana Ivanova, Diana Marinova, Daniela Kertikova, Anna Ilieva
Abstract: During the period 2011-2018 a study on the changes in the biochemical composition of Bulgarian alfalfan varieties (Obnova 10, Pleven 6, Prista 2, Prista 3, Prista 4, Mnogolistna 1 and Victoria), infested by rust caused by the basidiomycete fungus Uromyces striatus (Schroter). The study was conducted in the biochemistry laboratories of the Institute of Agriculture and Seed Science “Obraztsov Chiflik”, Rousse and Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven. It was found that: The obtained experimental results for the content of macroelements prove the negative influence of Uromyces striatus (Schroter) on the changes of some biochemical indicators in the leaves of the Bulgarian alfalfa varieties included in the experiment. Correlations were found between dependencies between the attack index of Uromyces striatus (Schroter) and the protein content (r = 0.55), sugars (r = 0.36), total phenols (r = – 0.76), saponins (r = – 0.38) and which prove that the disease affects the indicators that determine the quality of fodder. All Bulgarian alfalfa varieties included in the experiment can be conditionally defined as susceptible to rust (Uromyces striatus Schroter).
Keywords: Medicago sativa (alfalfa); resistance; rust; Uromyces striatus Schroter.
Date published: 2023-04-27
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