Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Нordein polymorphism of spring barley genotypes from European- Siberian Genetic Center by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis
Nikolay Neykov and Sonya Doneva
Abstract: In this study were fractionated and characterized reserve endosperm proteins, hordeins of seven spring barley genotypes with different origin: Zernogradskii (Russia), Bodega, Fink, Scarlett, Barke (Germany), Josefin and Astoria (France) by SDSPAGE electrophoresis. On the basis of the obtained spectra are identified 19 bands (D + C + B) with different relative electrophoretic mobility and intensity. The electrophoresis profiles of the groups D-, C- and B-hordein are designated as separate types (models) using the index corresponding to hordein blocks. We have established one profile type for D-hordein (D1), two- for C-hordein (C1, C2), and five – for B hordein (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5). Based on these results are constructed hordein formulas (configurations) of accessions, which enable the expression of specific varietal characteristics and prove the existence of the inter-allelic variation (hordein polymorphism) due to the presence or absence of protein components and their different electrophoretic mobility in the profiles of D-, C- and B-hordein.
Keywords: hordein types; intervarietal polymorphism; SDS-PAGE; spring barley; storage proteins
Date published: 2023-02-23
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