Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Status and development trends of the controlled population of the autochthonous breed Bulgarian Gray Cattle
Nikola Chatalbashev
Abstract: Based on the analysis of the breeding documentation and monitoring, the status and development of the autochthonous breed Bulgarian Gray Cattle during the last 20 years have been studied. It has been established that after the resumption of the breeding activity in 2001, there is a steady development trend – from 10 farms with 88 animals in 2003, in 2021, 4769 animals are under selection control, incl. 4687 cows and 82 bulls, in 99 farms. By the middle of the period, the number of farms has stabilized and the number of animals is growing at a slow pace. Bulgarian gray cattle are bred mainly in pastures in the mountainous and semi-mountainous regions of the country. It was found that the controlled population has a good potential for in situ preservation, but the number of bulls for natural service is small, and the National Gene Bank has stored semen of only 6 bulls. It is proposed that the work on the conservation of the breed be focused on the expanded production of bulls for natural service and preservation of genetic material from bulls from all breeding areas. In order to increase the income and create lasting interest of the farmers in breeding the breed, it is proposed to develop and produce unique, geographically and breed protected products with high biological value, for which, bio-compliant animal breeding and the main habitats of the breed are extremely suitable.
Keywords: autochthonous breeds; Bulgarian gray cattle; in situ preservation
Date published: 2022-11-01
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