[session_started] => 1740001985
Cumulative improvement of base inbred maize line DK744 (Zea maize L.) related to Iodent germplasm
Borys Dziubetskyi, Natalia Bodenko and Vladyslav Cherchel
Abstract: The research was devoted to the development of new inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.) of the Iodent heterotic group with economically valuable properties in accordance to modern requirements of the maize production and the modern breeding programs. There are research results for 2010–2020 which showed the cumulative improvement of the base line DK744 of Iodent germplasma in terms of morpho-biological traits, in particular, the combining ability on the grain yield indicator. The base maize line DK744 is one of the parental components of early ripening hybrids, such as Dniprovskyi 181SV, Pochaivskyi 190MV, Tesei, DN Palanok, Kvitnevyi 187MV, DZ Latorytsia and others. We identified a number of hybrids which dominated over standard hybrids and with the best traits. Among them, there were an early ripening hybrid Pochaivskyi 190MV and a mid-early – DN Khortytsia which dominated in terms of grain yield and grain moisture content at harvesting, and ecological stability. The obtained lines are widely used in the selection of hybrids adapted to different zones of Ukraine.
Keywords: combining ability; grain moisture content; line; maize; selection; testcross; yield
Date published: 2022-10-11
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