[session_started] => 1739506021
Katerina Bačeva Andonovska, Julijana Cvetković, Trajče Stafilov, Viktor Gjamovski
Abstract: The influence of nine dwarf apple rootstocks on vegetative and reproductive characteristics, yield efficiency, fruit quality and fruit ability to absorb and disseminate some 2) micro- and 1) macroelements from soil, through leaves in fruits, was evaluated on ‘Granny Smith’ apple variety in the region Prespa, Republic of Macedonia. The experimental orchard was established in 2004, with a planting distance 3.5 m×1.5 m. The study has been performed during three consecutive years (2008-2010). In this study, among the common major characteristics, the fruit quality was investigated as well. For that purpose, beside the common parameters such as firmness of the fruits, soluble dry matters and total acids, some macro and micro elements were analyzed. The obtained results showed that, regarding the macro elements, there were no significant differences between the investigated rootstocks. However, regarding the microelements, the results showed different behaviour in distribution of boron,
zinc, copper, iron and aluminium. It was found that trees grafted on rootstock Mark 9 have higher content of the previously mentioned elements (B of 14.6 mg/kg, Zn of 58 mg/kg, Cu of 4.8 mg/kg, Fe of 108 mg/kg and Al 83.7 mg/kg). The correlation between the contents of microelements in leafs and apple fruits were also analyzed. The obtained results showed that Mg, B, Zn, Cu, Al, Mn and Fe in leaves, negatively relate with the content of Ca in the fruits. In contrary, N, P and K contents positively relate with the Ca concentration, which is very important for the firmness of the fruits.
Keywords: apple; firmness; macroelements; microelements; rootstocks
Date published: 2017-09-08
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