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Study of yield and stability by common winter wheat varieties by changing climatic conditions in Sadovo region
Evgeniy Dimitrov, Zlatina Uhr and Radoslav Chipilski
Abstract: The experiment was conducted on the experimental field of IPGR “K. Malkov”, Sadovo in the period 2019-2021. The yield and its stability in fifty-six varieties of common winter wheat were studied. The varietal experiments were carried out according to a block scheme in three repetitions, with the size of the experimental plot of 10 m2 according to the cultivation technology adopted in IPGR. Yield stability and varietal adaptability were assessed using Shukla (1972), σi2 and Si2 stability variants, Wricke ecovalence Wi, Kang (Ysi) phenotypic stability criterion (1993), bᵢ regression. by Finlay & Wilkinson (1963) and General adaptability by Eberhart & Russell (1966).The results of the study show that the highest average yield was reported for the varieties Kristi, Nikodim and Todora. In twelve genotypes, the trait was exceeded compared to the standard. The genotype factor (40.7%) has the strongest and proven influence on the yield, followed by the growing conditions – enviroment (20.7%). The varieties Petya, Karina, Yoana, Bolyarka and Milena are characterized by the highest yield stability, while the varieties Nikodim and Kiara are characterized by both high and stable yields. The most adaptable to environmental conditions are the varieties Mustang, Enola and Yoana, with the highest overall adaptability are characterized by Kristi, Nikodim and Todora. Nikodim, Kiara, Kristi and Todora, which are characterized by high yield, stable and with a wide adaptability to adverse climatic conditions, are considered to be the most valuable varieties.
Keywords: adaptability; climatic conditions; common winter wheat; grain yield; suitability
Date published: 2022-03-11
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