[session_started] => 1735217229
Competence in environmental ethics in the risk management in agroecosystems
Zlatka Vakleva and Tonya Georgieva
Abstract: Environmental Ethics (EE) provides an ethical approach in the study of environmental risks in the agroecosystems. As a disciplinary field in the universities, environmental ethics ensures scientific quality in the students’ preparation. In the present research: · we offer reflections on the ethical approach in the agricultural sciences; · we present the environmental ethics as a trend in the education and research for students and PhD students regarding the risks in the development of the agroecosystems;· we interpret the possibilities for applying an ethical approach in problem solving for the risks in the development of the agroecosystems.
In this article, we will address the opportunities for integrating environmental ethics and the ethical approach in solving problems concerning climate change, food resources guarantee, biodiversity, quality of agricultural products and others. The study shows that the development of competence in environmental ethics has a positive effect in the study of risks in the agrosystems.
Our study contains three main contributions: · it contributes to the enhancement of the environmental education on the possibilities for regulating the relationship between people and the environment with the benefits of EE; · it offers tools for solving environmental problems based on EE; · it considers opportunities for expanding the influence of EE for the formation of competence in EE as an integral part of the development of coordinated skills in the biology and agricultural sciences students.
Keywords: agroecology; competence in Environmental Ethics; sustainable development
Date published: 2021-09-13
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