Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Physicochemical grain properties of the weedy rice complex in North Macedonia
Trajche Dimitrovski, Natasha Gjorgovska, Vesna Levkov, Danica Andreevskа and Dobre Andov
Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate some physicochemical properties of the weedy rice (Oryza sativa L.) occurring in North Macedonia. Six morphotypes were investigated in comparison to three cultivars. The following grain properties of paddy rice were analyzed: milling fractions, the total protein, total fat, crude fiber and ash (total minerals) content. The milling fractions were determined on a laboratory milling machine, while the chemical analysis were performed by standard methods. All parameters were examined in three replications and the results were analyzed by ANOVA and LSD test. Both the highest and lowest head rice yield (61.43% and 66.57%) was found in the weedy rice complex. In cultivated rice, the head rice yield ranged from 63.40% to 64.33%. Significant differences in head rice yield and bran content were obtained only within weedy rice. For the rest of the milling fractions statistically significant differences were obtained between as well as within weedy and cultivated rice. The lowest protein (8.91%), crude fiber (8.63%) and ash content (3.47%) were found in cultivar San Andrea. The weedy morphotype WR1323232 had the highest protein (12.12%) and fat (2.36%) content. The highest fiber content was found in WR1200234 (13.13%), while the highest ash content in WR1321232 (5.71%). Significant differences in protein, crude fiber and ash were found between and within the weedy rice complex and cultivated rice. The fat content significantly differed between weedy rice and cultivated rice and within weedy rice. The average content of total proteins, total fat, crude fiber and total ash of weedy rice was higher compared to cultivated rice.
Keywords: crude fiber; milling fractions; mineral content; total fat; total proteins; weedy rice
Date published: 2021-08-27
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