Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Combined use of probiotics and other active ingredients in broiler production during free antibiotic period - an update review
Sugiharto Sugiharto
Abstract: Probiotics has gaining a great attention from broiler producers during the post-antibiotic era. The application of such bioactive substance is actually expected to safely substitute the use of antibiotic growth promoters in broiler production. Yet, their efficacy as in-feed antibiotic substitute for broiler chickens is erratic. The combined use of probiotics and other active compounds, such as prebiotics, phytobiotics, enzymes and organic acids, is subjected to improve the potential of probiotic in promoting the growth and wellbeing of broiler chickens. The synergistic or complementary effect between probiotics and other active ingredient would be greatly beneficial for the production and health of broilers more than either supplement administrated on its own. This review aimed to update the use of probiotics simultaneously with other active compounds in broiler production. The possible synergistic effect between probiotics and its counterpart on broiler production is also investigated in this present review. Overall, some studies reported that the combined administration of probiotics and other active ingredients resulted in synergistic or complementary effects, while other studies pointed out no mutual supportive effect between probiotics and its counterpart on broiler production.
Keywords: broiler; enzyme; organic acid; phytobiotics; prebiotic; probiotics
Date published: 2021-08-25
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