Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Physiologic specialization of Puccinia triticina Erikss. and effectiveness of Lr genes in Bulgaria
Vanya Ivanova, Stilyana Velikova and Dimitrina Nikolova
Abstract: Leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina Erikss. is the most common diseases on wheat in Bulgaria. Monitoring on the pathogen population is carried out annually, and the information concerning the changes occurring in it and the data on the efficiency of the genes for resistance are helpful for the breeders. Different systems for pathotype identification are used in different parts of the world. This investigation considers the pathogen variability of Puccinia triticina in Bulgaria during 2015-2016. Twenty isogenic lines were involved, which were developed on the basis of cultivar Tatcher; the identification of the pathotypes is presented according to the North American nomenclature. One hundred twenty-nine isolates were analyzed, which were collected from seven different agro ecological zones of Bulgaria, and 42 phenotypically different pathotypes were identified. Three pathotypes were predominant in 2015: PKTTS (29%), PHTTS (13%) and MKTTS (11.6%). The most widespread pathotype in 2016 was TKTTN (16.6%). The distribution of the pathotypes over agro ecological zones was uneven. The efficiency of the genes for resistance was investigated and it was determined that genes Lr 9 and Lr 19 maintained their full efficiency, and genes Lr 22А, Lr 22В, Lr 28, Lr 41, Lr 43 and Lr 47 were with high efficiency.
Keywords: effectiveness; leaf rust; Lr genes; pathotypes; Puccinia triticina
Date published: 2021-06-08
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