[session_started] => 1737544191
Use of cell selection tools in the creation of agricultural crop varieties resistant to abiotic stress
Irina Аnikina, Elena Oves, Zhanna Adamzhanova and Nursultan Kaynidenov
Abstract: To increase the productivity and sustainability of agriculture, it is necessary to create high-yielding and climate-resistant crops that are resistant to abiotic and biotic stresses. This review presents the role of cell culture as an accessible and effective tool for studying the genetic mechanisms of plant resistance and creating crop varieties that are resistant to abiotic stresses. In addition, this review describes the potential role of the latest genomic tools in decoding combined plant stress tolerance. The review explores integrated strategies that include the vast and diverse traditional and modern (structural, functional, comparative, and epigenomic) approaches, resources, and genomics-based selection methods that agricultural biotechnologists can adopt and use to analyze and decode the molecular and gene regulatory networks involved, complex quantitative indicators of crop yield and stress resistance. The use of the latest tools of biotechnology, namely QTL analysis, genome assessment through sequenced EST and сDNA analysis using biochips, mutagenesis research, as well as transgenic approaches can provide success in understanding the mechanisms of resistance to abiotic stress, which will overcome the barriers to creating varieties that are resistant to negative factors of the growing environment.
Keywords: cell lines; genomic selection; resistance; salinity tolerance; stress; tissue culture
Date published: 2021-06-04
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