Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
Array ( [session_started] => 1739778420 [LANGUAGE] => EN [LEPTON_SESSION] => 1 )


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Approach to reporting heavy metal, metalloid and toxic element contamination in land evaluation of reclaimed soils
Martin Banov
Abstract: In the background of the existing officially validated “Methodology of Work in the Cadaster of Agricultural Land in Bulgaria” (Petrov. E., et al, 1988), which does not treat the issues of evaluation of remediated and contaminated soils, the present article presents an element of a future common system of land evaluation, which should be developed and applied into practice.
The national standards of accounting for the soil contamination as well as the international experience (FAO recommendations) in the field have been taken into consideration. Algorithms of land evaluation of remediated soils, contaminated by heavy metals, metalloids and toxic elements, have been devised.
The algorithms lead to an Equation, through which the “leading” contaminator is established as well as two land evaluation scales (Method accounting for the number and severity of limitations), serving as “actual” and “potential” assessments. An example for working with the standards, the equation and the scales has been provided in the article.
Keywords: agricultural lands; land evaluation; reclaimed soils; soil contamination
Date published: 2021-04-16
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