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A meta-analysis and model calculations of economic indicators in suckler cow herds
Jindrich Kvapilik, Ludek Barton and Jan Syrucek
Abstract: From 2004 to 2018, the number of suckler cows in the Czech Republic increased by 75 700 (56%). To maintain this positive development, it is necessary to achieve an adequate level of production performance and profitability in cow–calf operations. Model calculations based on data acquired from previously published literature were used to determine the relationships between production and economic results. The numbers of calves born and weaned, calving interval, costs of rearing heifers, herd replacement rate, cow longevity, and age at first calving were the main production indicators studied. Sales revenue for weaned calves was the main economic indicator. When fertility in a herd improves from 95 to 100 calves born per 100 cows and death losses of calves are maintained at 5%, the revenues per cow from calf sales are expected to increase by 27 EUR. The estimated loss associated with an extended calving interval was 27 to 30 EUR per additional oestrus cycle. The results of the study indicate that major conditions for successful herd management are high fertility in cows, low calf losses, optimal live weight gains, and optimal weaning age.
Keywords: age at first calving; calving interval; costs; sale revenues; suckler cows
Date published: 2021-04-15
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