Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
Array ( [session_started] => 1737544850 [LANGUAGE] => EN [LEPTON_SESSION] => 1 )


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System approach to organic producers marketing activities based on the sustainable development concept
Roman Bezus and Lilia Golovko
Abstract: The theoretical aspects of forming the system approach to organic producers’ marketing activities based on the sustainable development concept are developed and substantiated in the article. The economic, social and environmental aspects of agricultural marketing were described. The world experience of organic production certification is considered. The elements of the system approach to the evaluation of organic producers’ marketing efficiency in sustainable development concept are determined.
As a result, the authors have identified the factors of economic transformations under the sustainable development concept. The article has presented the mechanism of a system approach to marketing activities of organic farmers, based on the analysis of the farm’s resources, outer competitive strength, and external opportunities.
This study contributed to investigating the economic, social and environmental aspects of agrarian marketing. As a result, the development of organic agricultural production will improve the economic, social and ecological situation in Ukraine, rural development, and could become one of the factors increasing the competitiveness of Ukraine’s economy.
Keywords: agricultural marketing; balanced growth; certification; ecologically stable marketing; holistic marketing; market of organic products; marketing action; marketing of relations; social, environmental and economic systems; system approach
Date published: 2021-02-25
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