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Karyological study of Balkan endemics Moehringia jankae Griseb. ex Janka and Moehringia grisebachii Janka (Caryophyllaceae) in Bulgaria
Mariya Zhelyazkova, Neli Grozeva and Svetlana Georgieva
Abstract: The study presents the somatic chromosome number of Moehringia jankae 2n = 24, and confirms the one for Moehringia grisebachii 2n = 24. The karyotype morphology of ten populations of the two species were described in detail. Karyotype variability was registered for M. jankae (Hcl = 17.99 - 37.58) and M. grisebachii (Hcl = 15.30 - 36.63), while the chromosome analysis showed mainly metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes for both species. Five different karyo-type formulae were registered for all studied populations. Based on the calculated values of Mca (0.46 - 1.34 and 0.55 - 1.21), A1 (0.117 - 0.141 and 0.117 - 0.217), TF% (41.97 - 47.26 and 42.76 - 46.73) and Ask% (52.74 - 58.03 and 53.27 - 57.24), it was determined that the karyotype of M. jankae and M.grisebachii is symmetric. The chromosome number of M. jankae is announced for the first time.
Keywords: chromosome; endemic plant species; karyotype; Moehringia grisebachii; Moehringia jankae
Date published: 2020-12-15
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