Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Assessment of genetic diversity in sesame germplasm as an initial material for Bulgarian breeding programs
Stanislav Stamatov and Nikolaya Velcheva
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate sesame genotypes for their suitability for mechanized harvesting for the needs of the crop hybridization program. 47 introduced sesame samples of diverse ecological and geographical origin were studied. Subjective independent evaluation method, Sesaco method and field testing were used. The genetic diversity is represented by a hierarchical cluster analysis dendogram. The results reveal the wide genetic basis of the gene pool studied in terms of the ability of individual samples to retain seed in the capsule during physiological maturity and harvesting. The working collection is characterized by samples that retain their seeds on the field during ripening and those that retain the seeds during threshing. The study identified donors which could produce offspring with excellent retention of the seeds on the field until plant maturation and during threshing, when properly combined.
Keywords: genotype; introduction; mechanized harvesting; Sesamum indicum L.
Date published: 2020-10-20
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