[session_started] => 1739474389
Application of monosodium methyl arsenate with diuron herbicide to control the characteristics of glyphosate-resistant Eleusine indica at oil palm plantations
Koko Tampubolon, Edison Purba, Mohammad Basyuni and Diana Sofia Hanafiah
Abstract: The glyphosate-resistant Eleusine indica (GR-ESU) case has dominated at oil palm plantations in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia and will increase evolution into resistance. This research was aimed to determine the role of Monosodium Methyl Arsenate (MSMA)+diuron to control the agronomic characteristics of GR-ESU biotypes. This research was conducted in the Weed Research Center Land, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara in November 2017 until August 2018. This research used Randomized Block Design non-factorial with factor GR-ESU biotypes that were sprayed with glyphosate at the dose of 3 l.ha-1, and MSMA+diuron at the dose of 5 l.ha-1 within four replications. The parameters were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and were continued by DMRT at P < 0.05 with IBM SPSS Statistics v.20 software. The results showed that a decrease in the survival of GR-ESU at the changes from glyphosate to MSMA+diuron. The GR-ESU on MSMA+diuron showed leaf color changes (leaf green loss/chlorosis) at 3 until 21 days after sprayed. The ability of MSMA+diuron had completely (100%) controlled within 18 of 29 GR-ESU biotypes and had effectively controlled the tillers, flowering, fresh- and dry weight in GR-ESU biotypes of 87.53%; 66.88%; 95.66%; and 95.92% respectively compared to glyphosate. The use of MSMA+diuron as a different mode of action herbicide is highly recommended to control GR-ESU biotypes at oil palm estate.
Keywords: diuron; Eleusine indica; glyphosate; MSMA; oil palm plantations; resistant
Date published: 2020-10-19
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