Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Grouping and evaluation of cornel-tree varieties according to some pomological indicators
Argir Zhivondov, Neli Keranova and Svetla Pandova
Abstract: The subject of this study is the following genotypes of cornel-tree: Pancharevski cylindrical, Atkov, Kazanlashki pearshaped, Vrachanski (Castel), Shandrian, Tsarigradski yellow, Yellow Hadzhiyski, Shumenski oblong and Yaltenski. They were grouped and assessed according to their genetic remoteness with respect to the pomological parameters: weight (g), length (mm) and width (mm) of the fruit as well as length of the stem (mm), weight (g), length (mm) and width (mm) of the stone. Hierarchical cluster analysis and factor analysis were applied for the processing of the experimental data. As a result of analyzes, the studied genotypes were found to be grouped into four clusters. The main indicators influencing the genotyping are: length of the fruit, length of the stem, weight and the length of the stone. The most distant genetically are Yaltenski and Shumenski oblong, on one side, and Pancharevski cylindrical and Atkov, on the other.
Keywords: biometric indicators; cluster analysis; cornel-tree
Date published: 2020-10-19
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