Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Perspective agriculture cultivation of the bulb onion with drip irrigation
Elena V. Kalmykova, Nikolay Yu. Petrov, Sergey D. Fomin, Olga V. Kalmykova, Elena S. Vorontsova, Tatyana S. Koshkarova and Svetl
Abstract: The difficult conditions of the modern period of development of agricultural production determine the need for the development of new technologies adapted to modern conditions of land use. In this regard, we have developed the concept of “The system of technological measures for growing vegetable crops, ensuring the rational, efficient use of material and energy resources and obtaining economically viable harvests”. The article presents the results of studies of the impact of agrotechnological methods on getting a high-quality crop of bulb onion under drip irrigation. Experimental studies have been conducted since 2011 on the experimental plots of the Caspian Agrarian Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Astrakhan region). The object of the study was a variety of onion Volgodonets (as a standard) and hybrids were taken for competitive testing – Octant F1 and Valero F1, with a growing season of 105…110 days. The area of the accounting plot was 50.4 m2. The seeding rate is 1 million viable seeds per hectare. The repetition of the experiment is threefold. It is proved that the silicone preparation “Energy-M”, water-soluble fertilizer “Rastvorin” and mineral fertilizers applied for the planned yield, as well as their complex use stimulated the growth and development of plants, increased the productivity of onions. Thus, studies have shown that the best conditions for the growth and growth of the vegetative mass of the bulb onion were added to the variants where the treatment was performed with the “Rastvorin” water-soluble fertilizer and the “Energy-M” growth regulator in combination with the use of full mineral fertilizer for the planned yield 150 tons/ha on the Octant F1 hybrid while maintaining soil moisture at 70...80...75% of field moisture capacity.
Keywords: bulbonion; crop yields; drip irrigation; Energy- M; hybrid; mineral fertilizers; Rastvorin; regulator of plants growth; water soluble fertilizer
Date published: 2020-08-31
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