Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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New solution fluorescent fish aquariums located in building elements and furnitures of the skyscraper Kun Min, China
Yanko Aleksandrov
Abstract: The new solution is about creating an attractive habitat for aquariums using fluorescent fish. The aquariums are housed in floor lifts combined with gardens (Annual international architectural elevator design competition); on balconies and apartment buildings, (Bamboo Skyscraper, Singapore); on the floors of horseshoe elements covering the body of the skyscraper, (Hong Kong Skyscraper); multi-storey rotating water rings, broken down into smaller volumes, for multifunctional use, used as aquariums, for aquaculture cultivation for the needs of residents, for sports, for artificial osmosis and others, (Container Skyscraper, Mumbai, India); the glowing fish are in streams connecting water curtains, flowing down the interior walls and passing under transparent floor coverings and reaching a pool or aquarium located on the first and second floors of an apartment dwelling, (Skyscraper in Kun Min, China).
A completely different living environment has been created for living, working and leisure environments, thanks to the new furniture design. Aquariums are appropriately built into the construction of chairs, dining tables, armchairs, sofas and tables, and so on. The furniture is part of the skyscraper project in Kun Min, China. To achieve this new solution, the theory of the innovative steps of the author was used.
Keywords: aquariums; fluorescent fish; furniture; interior; Kun Min; new solution; skyscraper
Date published: 2020-04-28
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