Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Influence of some herbicides and herbicide combinations on the structural elements of yield and some quality indicators in common wheat grain
Mitko Georgiev
Abstract: During the period 2009-2012 a field experiment with common wheat cultivar Diamond was conducted. The effect of five leaf herbicides and one soil herbicide and some combinations between them was studied at the main structural elements of the yield: plant height, productive tillers per plant, spike length, number of spikelets per spike, number of grains per spike, grain weight per spike. Some qualitative yield indicators were also determined: weight of 1000 grains and hektoliter weight. The highest plants (88.9 cm) were observed in the variant with the manual weeding control. The largest number of productivity spikes was in the variant with Stomp New 330 EC (630.8 pcs/m2). The longest classes (9.37 cm) were in the variant with wheat plants treated with Secator OD. The highest number of spikelets per spike (19.28) was observed in the plants treated with Stomp New 330 EC. The highest number of grains per spike (33.8 pcs), the largest grain weight per spike (1.45 g) and the highest weight of 1000 grains (43.15 g) were observed for the combination of Granstar 75 DF + Axial 050 EC. The hectoliter weight of the grain is highest in the variant treated alone with Granstar 75 DF.
Keywords: elements of yield; grain quality; herbicides; indicators; wheat
Date published: 2020-02-27
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