Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Designing a structural model of participatory management for the development of sustainable urban green spaces
Farhad Lashgarara, Seyed Mehdi Mirdamadi, Seyed Jamal Farajollah Hosseini, Maryam Bagheri
Abstract: The expansion of cities, particularly large cities in third world countries, aggravated negative impacts on urban development will exacerbate pollution, including air, water, soil, landscapes, and mental and physical illnesses. The consequences of urban development and the environmental problems in residential areas have made the expansion of green spaces necessary. Since Tehran is considered as the 18th most populous city in the world and the political and economic center of Iran, it has become an important necessity for management in urban planning and management. This study aimed to present a structural model of participation management tailored to the development of sustainable urban green space. For this purpose, a questionnaire was developed and used to collect the data. Population for this study included 157 employees of research centers, training and consulting of urban green space in the municipality city of Tehran, Iran. Dependent variable of this research was sustainable urban green space development which was measured in three dimensions: legal development, environmental development, and physical development. The four independent variables were participatory management (participation in goal setting, participation in decision making, participation in problem-solving, and participation in organizational change).Findings from structural modeling equation (participation in goal setting, decision-making, problem-solving, and organizational changes), the effect of participation in problem-solving on sustainable green space development was more than the other aspects of participation management. Also, the results showed that the impact of each component of participation management dimensions; organizational support on the factors of participation in goal setting, Strategy implementation/evaluation/reformulation, participation in problem-solving and readiness of employees to participate in organizational change and recruitment methods on participation in decision-making.
Keywords: green development; green space; management; organizational; participatory management; sustainable development; urban sustainable
Date published: 2020-02-26
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