Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Modeling of the processes of the modification of the current volume warming by drainage and pressing
Olga I. Zakharova, Igor N. Kruchinin, Viktor A. Ivanov, Lyudmila V. Kremleva, Olga A. Kunickaya, Nikolay A. Struchkov, Albert M. Burgonutdinov, Oksana I. Bederdinova, Oscar D. Mueller, Anatolij A. Shadrin
Abstract: This work creates and verifies a mathematical model for modifying soft-leaved wood by impregnation and compaction. The relevance of this work is because due to global climate change, recently there has been a change in the average formula of the species composition of many forests of the temperate zone of Eurasia: soft-leaved wood species replace the coniferous forests of natural generation. The change in species composition is aggravated by the active spread of plantation growing of forests, because soft-leaved wood species are more suitable for plantation growing. One of the most promising areas for processing oft-leaved wood, including those grown by plantation, is the modification of such wood by impregnation and compaction. The main technological processes of obtaining modified wood with the achievement of specified parameters and properties is the dehydration of samples impregnated with various compositions with simultaneous pressing and drying. As a result of the implementation of the developed mathematical model, an equation of linear multiple regression is obtained depending on the sample processing time on the required values of their compaction and humidity in a given temperature field, which forms a reliable theoretical basis for solving various optimization problems of the technological parameters of the pressing and dewatering plasticized wood samples.
Keywords: agricultural engineering; drainage; optimization; pressing; wood
Date published: 2019-12-11
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